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Terrain Builder Problem

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Hello Gents,

when i start terrain builder and go to import my work my p drive doesn't show up in the search, i do run it as admin and all that. Can anyone help?

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i do run it as admin and all that.

This may be the problem...

the "subst" command used to create the Virtual P:\ drive is basically a "per user" command...

I'm guessing that your P:\ drive was created in "normal" mode whilst you have TB in "admin" mode - or vice versa...

I'd suggest that you take a look here...

Copy that entire Text block into notepad - save it (in "all files" mode) as something like "new_mapdisk.bat" - drop it into your Arma 3 Tools main directory and use that batch file to assign your P:\ drive instead of the supplied BI "mapdisk.bat"... That should force the P:\ drive to be created in both "admin" and "non admin" modes, so it should show up either way...

PS - you shouldn't need to run anything in "admin" mode at all....


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@Bushlurker no luck with that still not working.

Could this be the problem:


When I do try and change the settings it doesn't let me and gives me this error:


Any ideas?

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There's no need to get involved in all that "sharing" palaver... Probably won't work anyway, since the P:\ drive doesn't really exist anyway... it's just a "ghost" of your actual "Arma 3 Tools" folder which has been given a drive letter and allowed to pretend it's a "real drive"...

Lets try the "minimalist" approach...

Copy this...

subst p: /d
subst p: "E:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Tools"

... into Notepad.

Change this bit ONLY...

E:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Tools

... make it YOUR drive letter and YOUR path to where YOUR Arma 3 Tools folder is...

Save the file as "AnythingYouLike.bat"

(use the "*.* All files" option in Notepad, so you don't end up with "AnythingYouLike.bat.txt" ! )

... doubleclick it - see what happens...

All this .bat file does is...

* - Remove/dismount any P:\ drive that currently happens to exist.

* - Remount a new P:\ drive with the contents of the folder the path points to

That - should - be all you need...


Edited by Bushlurker

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