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"insufficient resources" with pre-place units?

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So i'm having a nice little issue with zeus and pre-placed AI units, in that it wont let me move, delete or kill them using the end key. Every time i try it always says "insufficient resources" in the bar. Now I can see them, give them waypoints, change the skill, drag the health bar etc and placing new units etc, everything's just fine so i'm a bit lost. I've tried syncing those AI units with the add editable objects module and it still wont work :confused:

In the editor zeus is virtual entity, sync with the game master module

In the init file of the mission i have this

if (isServer) then {
	_x addCuratorEditableObjects [allUnits, true];
	_x addCuratorPoints 9999999999999999999999999;
} foreach allCurators;

Any ideas??

EDIT: Also just a note, this is for co-op with a small group of players, where zeus is played by a trusted member and used to make things a little more interesting or re-balancing the missions on the fly. So him having total control of everything, without limits, is not a problem :)

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yea i have, even at 1 i still get the insufficient resources message. Same if i remove that line from the init and use the manage resources module (set at 1 every 10 secs) in game :(

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I haven't done with that much with Zeus yet but this is what I would check in-game:

1. The number of curators in allCurators

2. Are the Curatorpoints you're trying to add actually added

3. What is the value of curatorpoints when you try to delete a unit and get that message.

Good luck!

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ok by total accident i've solved it! :)

Turns out that if the addon you placed in the 2d editor isnt supported by zeus normally, you cant move it about and what not. I tried the exact same mission with default units and i could do what i liked with em.

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