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Arma 3 HW Toolkit

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Hi guys,

about a year ago i´ve started working on extensions for controll of computer hardware (serial ports, USB devices etc...) and som system functions like writing/reading from files... that´s pretty all :D

I believe there is more people on this forum who want to build their own, for example flight controller with gauges and switches and controlls... you know. Starting idea of this project was my tank driving controller.

Actual content is:

function_name ( parameters )

FileWrite ( relative path + filename, text) - writes to file - returns string "OK" or "ERROR"

FileRead (relative path + filename, text) - reads from file - returns content of file in string or "ERR"

ErrLog ( log text ) - writes log in log file in Arma directory with error marking

InfLog (log text ) - writes log in log file in Arma directory with info marking

COMConfig ( baud rate, serial com name) - writes baud rate and name of the serial port to the COM config file in Arma directory (default 9600, COM1)

COMWriteByte ( value ) - sends value through the serial port in range 0-255, returns "OK" or "ERROR"

COMWriteString ( string ) - sends string through the serial port


Send data through USB HID terminals

Controll of LPT port

So guys if you have some ideas for improvements or for some new functions please post them in this thread.

Pete McGo aka sapper_PMS

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