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Resistance mission: contraband

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Could someone give some tips how i can finish the mission with the wepons

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If you just want to finish the mission, you can first drive a little to the east close to the camp and then put up the flare. That activates the trigger so all the Soviet troops come to the beach instead of your location. The objective is completed and the mission will end when you get to the camp. The only problem is that you won't get the American supplies. But I hardly collected any weapons or ammo throughout the whole mission and I was fine.

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Or to get the weapons, drive to the beach, fire the flare, and as soon as the SpecialOps have finished unloading their cargo, get an AA launcher from the truck. Shoot down the helicopter that flies over you, hop into the truck and drive full speed north. After a while turn east and drive along the forest edge, then straight for your hide-out. Worked for me - no casualties, all the supplies. The fact that OFP:R wiped my weapons cache two missions later is another story...

Pope Zog

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i did this mission in one go, i did everything standard, when i got my weapons i got everyone int eh truck and started my escape. everyhting was new for me so getting shot at by a tank or rpg soldier was very disconcerting, i used the hills as cover but when i heard the rotor blades i knew i needed to try something new. i pointed my truck to the nearest forest and drove in there, i used Q so i wouldn't ram into any trees and i was fine as neither chopper nor tank could see me well enough to shoot me. i hopped from forest to forest getting shot at as i progressed, had a few wounded in teh truck but we all made it in one piece. driving trucks through forests is muche easier with the resistance forests.

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