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Placed Objects and Vegetations/How to get them in the PBO

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I read the visitor 4 tut but couldnt find a clear answer.

I have my first sample map running ingame(finally) and now i placed some trees and structures on the map. I can see them with bulldozer in the terrain creator, but how exactly do i export them

so they get packed into the pbo? i tried with exporting the library, but no objects ingame.https://manuals.bisimulations.com/vbs2/2-00/devref/Default.htm#VisitorNG/Placing_Objects.htm%3FTocPath%3D6%20Terrain%20Manual%7CObjects%7C_____3

Solved, by trying it. For the nubs like me, just export the .wrp again.

Edited by TerrainAlien

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