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Graphics are better, but looks worse!

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Everybody who does not have brand new monster-computers, read this:

Resistance requires a LOT of work from your computer. With my Pentium III 800-something-CPU everything went splendid in the regular game, even with the detail level set to the max.

I was aware that my one year old computer might not be able to use all the graphic enhancements in Resistance, but I thought that the graphics at least could appear like before.

But, it doesn't. On my computer everything looks pretty ugly. I don't like it. Resistance is an expansion, not a new game. I can't afford to buy a new computer right now, even if I am desperate to do so!

The minimum requirement is set to a Pentuim III 600. Let me tell you: You need WAY MORE brains to your computer than that! mad.gif

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I think its all abouyt the RAM, not about what kin d of porcessor you happen to have. I think it will pretty smooth on a PIII800 when it has 512MB DDRAM smile.gif

How much RAM do you have, I use 256 SDRAM which works pretty good for me.

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