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Looking for a simple mission

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So I really love playing Arma 3 with MCC sandbox in Single player more than anything. I was wondering does anyone have any mission of Takistan that allows you to save? I've downloaded everyone that I could off the workshop either they require a ton of mods or don't have save feature enabled. =/

Or does anyone have a tutorial on how to create missions that allow saving?

In the mean time I've just been playing without save which sucks because every time you die you have to restart everythinggggg.

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The mission doesn't affect saving, unless you are talking about autosaving. If you can only save once, go to gameplay settings, and turn on the option that allows you to save as much as you like.

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That's not it =/ I can save on some missions and on others I cant at all.



Figured it out finally after trying so many things, Apparently it was the "Alive" Mod.

It was causing save issues with some missions.

Edited by mythlawlbear

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