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Place an object

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object can be placed on a table for example?

or a soldier in a 1st floor?

My idea is to place two informants in 1 \ floor but if you can not do or how

sorry for my inglish but i am old men spanish xD and use transladator for this question

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Placing items on a table?

Check this out...


Then checkout my Beerkan-FARP-Design-2-0. You will see exactly how I placed each item on the table, (and each item on the shelving unit as well).

Gratuitous self promotion :rolleyes:

---------- Post added at 11:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 PM ----------

Position a unit on the second floor?

There's a couple of ways to do this.

You can use the available buildingpos positions inside most buildings to place units and depending on the building there can be multiple entries including upstairs and on balconies etc. You can experiment by changing the number after buildingos. As an example, put this in the init of the unit.

this setUnitPos "MIDDLE";this setBehaviour "AWARE";this setCombatMode "RED";this setPos ((nearestBuilding this) buildingPos 6);

Alternatively, if you want to place a unit at an EXACT height, (in my example it's 4m above the ground) you will need to experiment with the height to get it exact, but you can use this to place units on balconies and stairs, rooftops etc. (For those positions are not covered by available buildingpos).

Example: Put this in the init of the unit.

this setUnitPos "MIDDLE";this setBehaviour "AWARE";this setCombatMode "RED";this setPosATL [(getPosATL this) select 0, (getPosATL this) select 1, 4];

In both of these examples I also set the stance and combat alertness of the unit. Do not use these if you don't need them.

Edited by Beerkan

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