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KC Grimes

Having trouble with detecting JIP

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Howdy folks! I'm still working on my revive script, though am almost done. However I have hit a little snag. I'm having trouble detecting JIP. Here's my story.

What I first had setup:

waitUntil {player == player};
waitUntil {!isNull player};

//This leads to execVM full of one line defines, which leads to execVM, which in the first lines has:
if (time > 0) then {
G_JIP = true;
G_JIP = false;

However, this was always returning false, even for JIP (testing as an MP host).

So, I tried sickboy's code and connected it to mine to maintain my links:

T_INIT = false;
T_Server = false; T_Client = false; T_JIP = false;

if (playersNumber east + playersNumber west + playersNumber resistance + playersNumber civilian > 0) then { T_MP = true } else { T_MP = false };

if (isServer) then
 T_Server = true;
 if (!(isNull player)) then { T_Client = true };
 T_INIT = true;
} else {
 T_Client = true;
 if (isNull player) then
     T_JIP = true;
     [] spawn { waitUntil { !(isNull player) }; T_INIT = true };
 } else {
     T_INIT = true;

if (T_JIP) then {
G_JIP = true;
player setVariable ["G_Test",true,true];
player sideChat "You're JIP!";
G_JIP = false;
player setVariable ["G_Test",false,true];
player sideChat "You're NOT JIP!";

However, it once again always returned false. As well, for whatever reason the side chat never showed up on the JIP's screen as expected. That's why I used the variable, so I could check it from my end.

So... I'm stuck. I need to differentiate JIP/init, but can't seem to get it done with these methods. Any suggestions? Anybody seeing errors?

Thanks as always!


Well. Problem solved. :P Not sure why, but this worked:

G_Server = false;
G_Client = false;
G_JIP = false;

if (isServer) then { G_Server = true };
if (!isDedicated) then { G_Client = true };
if (isNull player) then { G_JIP = true };

if (G_JIP) then {
titleText ["You're JIP!", "BLACK", 0];}
titleText ["You're NOT JIP!", "BLACK", 0];

Edited by Grimes [3rd ID]

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