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Probleme bei Rechte (wasteland)

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I give my player ID

I do not know how this is important ?



"// @file Name: admins.sqf

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

if (loadFile (externalConfigFolder + "\admins.sqf") != "") then

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (externalConfigFolder + "\admins.sqf");
// Admin menu (U key) access levels

Player UID examples :

"1234567887654321", // Meatwad
"8765432112345678", // Master Shake
"1234876543211234", // Frylock
"1337133713371337" // Carl

Important: Don't put a comma (,) at the end of the last one

// Low Administrators: manage & spectate players, remove hacked vehicles
lowAdmins = compileFinal str
// Put player UIDs here

// High Administrators: manage & spectate players, remove hacked vehicles, show player tags
highAdmins = compileFinal str
// Put player UIDs here

// Server Owners: access to everything
serverOwners = compileFinal str
"76561198011619409", // KiLi


if (typeName lowAdmins == "ARRAY") then { lowAdmins = compileFinal str lowAdmins };
if (typeName highAdmins == "ARRAY") then { highAdmins = compileFinal str highAdmins };
if (typeName serverOwners == "ARRAY") then { serverOwners = compileFinal str serverOwners };

publicVariable "lowAdmins";
publicVariable "highAdmins";
publicVariable "serverOwners";

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It gives your player access to the admin panel. Press U during the game to access it.

Alternatively, if you don't add your player ID to that file you can also get admin panel controls by entering the following in chat:

#login 'Rcon password'

and then press U

With that method you are restricted to one admin at a time but with the admins.sqf method you can have as many admins running the admin panel as you like.

You might bet more help here: http://forums.a3wasteland.com/

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