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Side specific "Zeus" editing areas!

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Hey guys,

Iam trying to make side specific editing areas.

I have a Blufor and Opfor Zeus, with their addons, and 2 editing-areas for them.

The problem is, that both "Zeus" can spawn units in both areas. In the module it says: "Functional with synced "Zeus"-modules", but its obviuosl only working with the Gamemaster, because there are no other "Zeus"-modules.

Iam not the best in scripting, but even in the "Cruator-side" from Bohemia ( which ist great btw) Link , are only a few commands which are siiliar to the modules and dont add alot of options.

To get more specific.

Iam trying to find the command which restricts a Zeus to build obj e.g. outside of his area. ( The command which is executed when the Zeus courser gets outside of the editing Zone and turn it red)

So that I can restrict the Opfor-Zeus from placing inside a Blufor-Zeus zone.

Thank you for reading.

Regards NIN3

Edit: I´ve found the "Eventhandlers" in the wiki Link. There is a Event called: CuratorObjectPlaced. So thats might be the solution. Will be trying it out later this day.

Edited by NIN3

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So I redone verything and now it works.

For thoose of you which might a have Problem.

You need your BluforZeus synced to a Gamemaster which is synced to the Gamemaster Modul.

And then make the same setup for the Opfor Zeus. (own Gamemaster, same Gamemaster Modul).

Now you can give them seperat zones.

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