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Need some help with a progressive respawn system

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I need help figuring out how to get a respawn idea to work. I have players as FIA units, there objectives are to gain control of multiple enemy (CSAT) sites. What i want, is after the site has been taken (trigger area clear) for a respawn to be enabled into that area. I would love for players to be able to choose where they spawn (Base, or enemy sites that they have taken). Is this possible? if so, how? I have been trying to figure it out all day today, the BIS respawn modules dont appear to be of any use at all at the moment?

Any help would be appreciate, and apologies if this question has been asked before or is in the wrong place..


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..should point you to right way. Basically just use the menuPosition parameter in respawn template.

Put at least one initial respawn location to map. Modules (F7) > Multiplayer > Respawn position. Mission now begins from this location (or some other respawn location if you have many) (see below).

To your description.ext:

respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition"};

Add a marker, say, "newRespawnMarker" to the area where you wish to add future respawn. Or if you wish to use some object, like APC, then name your APC, say, respawnAPC. When your objective is cleared, use the BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition function. It is advised to run that on a server only.


myNewResp = [west, "newRespawnMarker"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;

If you use object, same thing, just dont use the "".

myNewResp = [west, respawnAPC] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;

Now you should have new respawn location in the respawn menu. If you wish to remove it, use

myNewResp call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition;

Problem with this is that since the last Zeus patch, the menuPosition parameter now forces the respawn on start of the mission, which is often less desirable.

More about that here:


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