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Config for a simple static object

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Hi everyone. I'm trying and failing to get a simple static object into Arma.

The object in question doesn't need to do anything, and doesn't need collision. All I want it to do at the moment is look good.

Currently I can add my object in the editor, but when previewing the mission I get this error; "Cannot open object ptg_items\key.p3d"

My model.cfg is basically empty, but as far as I can tell, I shouldn't need anything in it for a purely static object anyway?

I've also noticed that the PBO builder isn't including the texture. The full generated log is inside the zip, but these seem to be the only relevant lines:

<model = "c:\users\petethegoat\documents\arma 3 ptg source files\ptg_key\ptg_items\key.p3d">
Creating texture headers file...
Texture headers file was not created - no textures found.

Should that model path be relative, instead of absolute?

Anyway, here's the zip of everything, including the model and texture: http://filesmelt.com/dl/ptg_key.zip

And here are pastebins of the text files:



Any help would be much appreciated!


In retrospect, the title is misleading, as this may well not be a config problem at all!

Too late to change it now, unfortunately.


I have resolved the "Cannot open object ptg_items\key.p3d" error, by changing the model line in the config, from;

model = "\ptg_items\key.p3d";


model = "\ptg_key\ptg_items\key.p3d";

However, I now get a similar error with the textures, which is understandable as they're not being packed into the .PBO.

"Cannot load texture \ptg_key\ptg_items\key_co.paa"

How can I ensure that gets packed with the model?


The config side of things is solved, I think. My modding directory had spaces in, which the PBO packer interpreted as arguments for packing. Removed those and it detected and packed the .paa just fine.

I can now preview the mission with no errors, but my model still isn't visible. I'm pretty sure it's not a scale issue with the model, but I don't really know what else to check. Do models require anything other than a View LOD to show up correctly? It wouldn't be falling through the world or anything would it?

e: Solved it! Turns out I had my model on 'View Geometry', which is for AI only. When I changed that to a resolution LOD instead, it worked perfectly.

Edited by Petethegoat

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