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There's written in one of the tuts, (I think the how create cube one), that there's an extrude function in o2.. They even got a pic with it, wich shows extrude and a number.. But when you press G, you get the gizmo stuff (wich i reaaally dont understand, think it has something to do with textures, but i'm not that far yet smile.gif)


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"Extrude" function isn't availabe oi O2Light, it onl in Full Objektiv 2! When somebody from BI was writting the tutoril, he doesn't know what will be in O2light adn what not.

Before making new thread, try to search the forums!!!!!

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In fact I did search them.. But only found that somebody said there wasnt any extrude function, though I was quite sure there was.. But now I understand where the pic came from.. Thanks,


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