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Artificial Intelligence Design in Arma 3

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I'm trying to create a dirt simple artificial intelligence for a specific faction.

I've tried searching through the board. Searching for "AI" or "Artificial Intelligence" was either getting me no where or was getting me a phone book.

Is it even possible to create a new AI for Arma? Has anyone done it and is willing to point me in the right direction?

I've got some experience as a programmer, so I'm not asking to be shown how to do my project. I just can't seem to find where to start.


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'Can be done via a combination of scripts and finite state machines (FSM @ BIS wiki). A lot of examples, both scripts and .fsms can be found within A3 per se, e.g. in addons/functions_f.pbo. The FSM's, theoretically and practically, can be replaced by a myriad of control structures in scripts. FSM Editor is available (BIS Tools; AFAIR) -- should be easy to find (check wiki).

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Question is, are the core AI fsms accessible. Because as far as I know, they are not, only the danger.fsm and similar stuff like the animal fsms are.

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Question is, are the core AI fsms accessible. Because as far as I know, they are not, only the danger.fsm and similar stuff like the animal fsms are.

Edit: (Nevermind. )

I was a bit too optimistic about it, there indeed is less than I had in mind... or wished. ;) The module .pbo's also have some scripts and FSM related to AI behaviour -- but as InstaGoat already pointed out, don't expect an FSM competing with Watson.

Edited by weedomatic

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It's dirt simple. Hell, it's about as simplistic as you can get. All I'm looking to do is script a zombie faction. In terms of behaviors, this should be dirt simple. Heck, I don't even care if they attack at this point.

Thanks for the leads (Really appreciate this. I would never have thought to look for Flying Spaghetti Monster Arma 3 in a search engine...). I started cranking open functions_f, I found the wiki, and I'm hoping the old FSM Editor works for Arma3. I did some work on Finite State Machines when I was in school. Hopefully that will come back to me. The diagrams looked a little familiar.

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Well, that's not going to work.

The FSM editor edits FSE's (Whaaa?). Trying to force the issue throws an error and doesn't get you anywhere.

The FSM file that I've found (fn_skirmishTrigger.fsm) looks like an XML file. It looks like it could describe a FSM (Items, Links, States, etc), but I haven't really figured out how to make use of it.

I think the old style FSM editor is out.

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Static, don't quote me on this one, but AFAIR I got the editor from the BIS Tools ... the version I am working with is FSMEditor Version 1.2.1 (from 2005, the about-info says). I have been hording tools since OFP, so I might be wrong. And, yes, the FSM, in this case, is a structured, human readable file. Furthermore, if it's "only" zomboid behaviour, you might want to check zombie.fsm or zombie-agent and/or e.g. open dayz as keywords in a search engine of your choice. Basically, it's a ping-pong of conditions saturated or not: is a human player near? no, wait, do something else, something else happened, no?, go back and check if human player is near, no?, ok loiter, despawn, random wait, etc.

---------- Post added at 12:20 ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 ----------

It won't really help you, and apologies for kidnapping this shortly: Since I did not play the campaign, are there civilians doing (ambient) farming tasks? There's some .fsm in the module_f (?) .pbo implementing behaviour for civilians to look for nearby animals ... an do things to them. :chef:

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I'm definitely quoting you. You're absolutely correct. The tool to use is the BIS Tool Set for Arma 2. I pointed the FSM Editor at the FSM and it popped right open. Looks good.

I went to go install my dad's new computer (new build, some fun new tech for him. He likes flight simulators), and got back way to late to do anything productive. Woke up the next morning, got some work done, and FINALLY sat down to start "playing" and was greeted with a Master Boot Record error...

I didn't burn anything down, but now I'm waiting for a new hard drive to be delivered. I didn't really lose any work on this, but the Wasteland Mod that I was working on took a huge hit. I'd spent two hours flying around Altis with a friend of mine (he was piloting) while we were looking at cool locations to code into the mod for some fun fire fights. Gone. Maybe I can get around the MBR... Who knows.

But, Weedomatic, your tip was right on. I'll start working on this probably around the end of the week. I haven't gotten into the campaign that deep, so I can't answer the farming question.

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Nevermind @ farming-FSM -- I don't think we'll see Stavros' family milking cows anytime soon. Which reminds me that I do miss my tractor ... a J. Deer 2035, with funky daylight LED's, autonomous GPS-cropping and 60mm mortar for pesticide-smoke-rounds.

Good luck with your computer and FSM'ing.

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