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Problem with Player distance

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Hello everyone,

I have a problem in my Arma mission, i want to spawn ennemi only if the distance between player and marker is less than the axis A plus 250 meters, i have search a lot and i have tried this command :

_mark = _this select 0;

_markaxisA = getMarkerSize _mark select 0;

_calcul = _markaxisA + 250;

_target = _calcul;

waitUntil {(_mark distance player) <= _target};

but it does't work so I request your big knowledge about script

Thank for your time and attention

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Well, break it down. What "doesn't work"? Do you have -showscripterrors enabled? Are you receiving errors? How are you executing it? What does _this select 0 reference?

It's difficult for us to help you if you only say "it doesn't work" and do not provide us the information to take a holistic approach.

To start you off, make sure your first line of _this select 0 is actually referring to something, meaning a passed array. But for my example I'm going to guess it is not.

_mark = "nameofmarkerhere";
_marksize = getMarkerSize _mark;
_markaxisA = _marksize select 0; 
_target = _markaxisA + 250;

waitUntil {(_mark distance player) <= _target};

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Sorry, _this select 0 is refering to a trigger(No condition and no activation so is work) with an execVM with the marker array, i have trie a hint to say where is error and error is on player distance and i have no script error.

Thank for your correction

I have tried to indicate the name of marker like your script correction but it doesn't work always.

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Sorry, wasn't thinking about the string. You can only judge distance from objects, and a marker is not an object. So you'll need to create a game logic or some object that represents the same position as the center of the marker. Or, just use the array from the return of getMarkerPos, which I've done.

_mark = "testmkr";
_marksize = getMarkerSize _mark;
_markaxisA = _marksize select 0; 
_target = _markaxisA + 250;
_markpos = getMarkerPos _mark;

waitUntil {(_markpos distance player) <= _target};

So, this works, however it isn't as you had expected, since it works from the marker's center. So I suggest you rely on a point, like the script. However, if you are doing this in a way that it works, go for it.

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