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[?]Differents spawns based on group - any ideas

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Hi all,

as usual sorry for any errors.

I've looked a little bit into the forum, wiki, armaholic and google but I still with my question; perhaps it isn't possible, but before to declare myself as defeated I come to you:

Perhaps I'll find a guru or a good idea :rolleyes:

Well, what I'm looking for?

My idea is to make a "parallel mission" like this:

- some units are captive (aka: groupCaptive)

- some others must liberate the first ones (aka: groupOfFreedom)

- some one others have to make diversions (aka: groupBehindTheLines)

Problem introduction:

I would that the units are all in the same side and I would like have a "persistent" mission (I mean: the players must be able to spend hours on the mission and "fail" the mission for personal errors -> for example by killing an IA-VIP that was to free, or because they haven't reach in time an evacuation point,... but not because they are all death... even if it would be real).

So, we will have "3 levels", like this (just an idea to so that you can understand the problem):

1st level - 1st step: groupCaptive is blocked by IA...

2nd level - 1st step: groupOfFreedom (snipers?) have to kill the guards to make in sort that groupCaptive can quit the prison area

3th level - 1st step: groupBehindTheLines have to take off energy to avoid that, during the groupOfFreedom attack, the alarm will rise the defence group

1st level - 2nd step: groupCaptive is free... they have to reach a point to take weapons/...

2nd level - 2nd step: groupOfFreedom have to protect groupCaptive (but always from a distant point)

3th level - 2nd step: groupBehindTheLines have to take an enemy vehicle

1st level - 3th step: groupCaptive is armed, now he need to enter in a sector to take a document,...

2nd level - 3th step: groupOfFreedom will be spotted by sentry, so he must run away or fight,...

3th level - 3th step: groupBehindTheLines have TOT time to put some mines on TOT bridge, crossways,...



If an unit die I would make in sort she spawn near the group (ok, that's not a problem, we have the GROUP respawn option), but I will too that if the group die the group can restart from a "personal point"

==> groupCaptive start in prison, prison = respawn for groupCaptive

==> groupOfFreedom start on a hill, hill = respawn for groupOfFreedom

==> groupBehindTheLines start on a subsidence, subsidence = respawn for groupBehindTheLines

than I can move on others spots the respawn, that's not a problem with the setMarkerPos and getMarkerPos functions, but the problem is that I can't handle 3 different and singular spawn points for the same team (it works for team and not for groups)

As I actually see, the "easy" way are:


forget the "same team" and make:

==> groupCaptive = CIV

==> groupOfFreedom = BLUEFOR

==> groupBehindTheLines = GUERRIGLIA


make a "out of contest" respawn (far away, with a teleport mode on a "fixed-mobile-spawn")


change idea and say... well, the group is death = you still death (a little bit more real but in a game we must be able to play :yay: )


I'm looking for a respawn_west_groupCaptive, respawn_west_groupOfFreedom, ... method.

So, any idea (exepted the KISS acronym :o )?

Thank's already now for your time and your friendly answer

Edited by CH_SwissWolf

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