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Script only for units spawned via sites module?

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I have a script running on mission start that goes through all units on east side and replaces their loadout with what i want the enemy 'team' to look like... based on their 'rank'

So "private" gets a really basic loadout, corporal slightly better.. etc...

I was quite proud of this basic and probably quite crude script... It's not elegant but It does the job.

My problem is, i also am considering using the sites module (which id rather use to quickly populate the map) in conjunction with the simulation manager...

The problem: The units spawn up after the mission and my loadout changer script has run... So they spawn when the player gets close, carrying default gear.

I was considering making a script that runs every 5 seconds, like the simulation manager.. and does the loadout script.

But as this changes what all east units are carrying every 5 seconds... It's unneccesarily heavy handed and i can forsee it causing problems removing(and re-adding) an enemy ai's gear whilst im shooting at him.. may look a bit odd... even if it happens almost instantly -- I cant see it being beneficial.

I'd like, if possible... some way to only affect units that have been recently spawned by the simulation manager, that haven't had their gear changed by scripting already.

or at least some way (array? ) to identify/store all units that have been spawned by the simulation manager that i haven't edited yet?

( I bolded that last part, as that's the real question.. i think)

Any help anyone can give, as the documentation is pretty sparse.. and i'm a bad coder. would be greatly appreciated!


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