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Helicopter Embark & Disembark trigger not working + more trigger issues.

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So am I quite new to this mission building. After googling the last couple of days to try and solve my issue, I now decided to ask for help.

The Goal is to have a bunch of soldiers embark a helicopter when it lands, then disembark at a specific point. Then the helicopter has to be able to return and pick up more soldiers in the original area.

I have tried several ways, but the behaviour is always weird in some way. Either they won't embark, or they will not disembark, or they try and embark even when the helicopter is outside the trigger area.

What I have tried last is:

Embark trigger: Condition: this and isTouchingGround evac and soldier2_7 distance evac <= 15;

on activation: soldier2_7 assignAsCargo evac; [soldier2_7] orderGetIn true;

Disembark trigger: condition: this and isTouchingGround evac;

on activation: soldier2_7 leaveVehicle evac; unassignVehicle soldier2_7;

I have both set to present and blufor. I have tried without "this". I have tried the embark trigger without distance to evac but then those that couldn't fit in the chopper the first trip just started running after it.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you.

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I quite new myself but I have recently started editing and believe I can help you.

If you syncronize the waypoints (the helo and infantry) they work for me. The helo should have an load waypoint and the infantry should have a get in waypoint.

Or you could use radiotrigger to notify the players that the helo is avaible for another airlift then radio for next pickup.

Hope the tips help.

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So I can now get them to board the chopper and to disembark. Now though, after they disembark they try to re-embark.

Using: Trigger1: cond: this AND isTouchingGround evac AND s6 distance evac <= 30;

on act: s6 assignascargo evac; [s6] ordergetin true;

There is currently 8 of these (s1 to s8) for each soldier that is to use the trigger

Trigger2: Cond: this AND isTouchingGround evac;

on act: [s1] ordergetin false; [s2] ordergetin false; [s3] ordergetin false; [s4] ordergetin false; [s5] ordergetin false; [s6] ordergetin false; [s7] ordergetin false; [s8] ordergetin false;

I have tried with leavevehicle as well but that produces the same effect.

What is happening?

Thanks you.

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So I can now get them to board the chopper and to disembark. Now though, after they disembark they try to re-embark.

Using: Trigger1: cond: this AND isTouchingGround evac AND s6 distance evac <= 30;

on act: s6 assignascargo evac; [s6] ordergetin true;

There is currently 8 of these (s1 to s8) for each soldier that is to use the trigger

Trigger2: Cond: this AND isTouchingGround evac;

on act: [s1] ordergetin false; [s2] ordergetin false; [s3] ordergetin false; [s4] ordergetin false; [s5] ordergetin false; [s6] ordergetin false; [s7] ordergetin false; [s8] ordergetin false;

I have tried with leavevehicle as well but that produces the same effect.

What is happening?

Thanks you.

The units are still assigned to the vehicle, which is why they try to get back in:

{ unassignVehicle _x } forEach [s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8];


{ unassignVehicle _x} forEach (units (group s1)) if s1-s8 are in one group

I was actually just working on building a reasonable solution to having some helicopter transports with escorts helicopters, since ideally you'd want the escorts and transports to travel together. Hopefully I'm allowed to post links now, since I have a demonstration mission that works great (assuming the helicopter pilots don't kill themselves or each other of course): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8018430/TransportDemo_2.Stratis.zip

The "loadAt" function expects to rejoin an original group to rejoin. Sadly I have to make it temporarily leave its original group, it just refused to work properly otherwise. Anyway, feel free to look at the mission and the scripts and use any of the parts that work for you.

I went with using radio triggers instead of trying to detect when everyone was loaded or unloaded, but really the triggers are just methods to get to calling the loadAt and unloadAt functions in a reliable demonstration. You could do it by detecting distance, height - whatever.

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