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Wouldnt it be awsome

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If someone made a mission/campaign where you were an assasian. You get money for people that you kill, so you can buy better equipment and cars, planes, shit like that. At first, maybe it starts out as a citizen's grudge against another citizen, easy, all you need is a pistol. But later in the game you can start to work for the US or something and do high level assasinations for big bucks. I dont know, I just think it would be a pretty cool game to play. sneak to a secluded mansion, kill security, escape before the police arrive in a jeep, or heli or something. Sounds like a good Idea to me, anyone interested in making it?? biggrin.gif

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Only questions about official missions go into the "OPF Missions" forum.

Moving to Mission Editing smile.gif

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