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Orbat module changing position

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Hello gents,

I just starting using Orbat in my mp mission and it is great feature to spice up immersion a bit. However I can not get working changing position of my orbat module during mission. I tried using setpos or setmarkerpos and nothing happend. If I could change positions it would be great way how to update my MP Player Marker position system. Not using ordinary markers but orbat ones!

Anyone has a clue how to do this?


Great orbat tutorial here


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BlackQwar, as per your PM to me:

I've done some limited experimentation with the attachTo command and, while it does change the position of the module at the start it then doesn't update the position as the mission continues. As a very quick fix that I haven't tried myself, you might be able to do something in a script wherein you use the setPos command and have the script continually refreshing itself to update the position as the game plays. I haven't tried this myself, as I said, but it might be worth a go.

To your problem with your texture not displaying, you might try using a different texture to your insignia. It's very unlikely to work, but it might do something. I'm no coding God (I give that title to Kylania (and I hope to God I spelled his name correctly)) so I'm not entirely certain where the problem lies. The ORBAT fuction is saying that it should be defined as a complete path, so you might try that to see if that works as a short term fix.

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