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Please help a bewildered OFP veteran

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So, OFP is alive and well, it seems. Thanks Bohemia for the 1.99 update. I haven't played this game since ARMA 1 was released, and it's been almost as long since I 'stopped' PC gaming altogether. Couldn't recall my old user credentials for these forums either. I recall I had an extensively modified installation of OFP, I think I was using FFUR/SLX and/or ECP, playing CTI online. Do these mods still exist and do they work with 99? if not, what are the best alternatives?

I only have a crappy old laptop which wont even run ARMA, and since my wife hogs the PS3 most nights for GTA V online, I dug out my OFP GOTY edition & stumbled upon the 1.99 version when I went looking for a vista patch. Jumped straight in to the ground attack single mission and aced it in 8 minutes. It's like I never left... :)

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