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I would like to share one of my projects.

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I am a game development student in my third year of studying. Last semester i had a assessment where i had to come up with a modification for a game of my choice. I obviously chose Arma 3 lol. As the title says i would like to share this with the community. I am not looking for comments on how i could have made it better or what i done wrong its over now and i passed and spread the news of what Arma 3 is and hopefully brought a few players out of my class and lecturer. I think this may be a good idea that someone might run with or give inspiration to a mod maker, i would love the opportunity to make this mod a reality but with studying i have zero time.


My Design Document

I imagine that some of the ways iv descriptive the game may be incorrect but it was because i was writing it from memory after not playing Arma 3 for months so go light.

Thank you for reading!

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