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addAction + Arguments

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Simple question I want to pass some arguments to the addAction command


the wiki says I can give arguments to the addAction but Operation Flashpoint/CWA says "3 arguments given, 2 expected"

so is this method not available for ofp/cwa ?


id = unit addAction ["An Action", "action.sqs", 3]

3 is in that case the argument or something else

The problem is I want to spawn objects and every object uses the same script but needs different arguments because they do different things with different arguments ^^

Writing a script for every type of object seems to be inefficient because there are about 100 objects, and so I need 100 times the same script with a different number.. :/

I hope you can help me


PS: Does someone have the example mission for the Thread "Dynamicly Change Unit Class" from ZeeWolf? If so pls pm me or something I want to download that demo mission

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