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Who's to blame?

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As Bush goes on a Crusade to rid the world of terrorist, he is killing and maiming inocent people. So many bombs were dropped in Afganistan killing many innocent woman,children all in the name of anti terrorists. These people who were killed or maimed have brothers ,sister ect: who will not forget! Bush has to realise that by maiming and killing people who are not directly invovled in terrorist action only breeds terrorist!

I think sometimes that the people who become so called "terrorist" should have a new name "frustrated"! I am sure if you people here lost a brother, sister, mother,father, child or saw your neighbours burnt to death would be in a different state of mind. Viloence only breeds Violence. Bush and the silent and powerful minority will eventually make their country pay prices, in unfortunatley the same way as the USA has dealt to other countries. As we saw last year the US experinced what it was like to be unjustly attacked!

Bush now is talking about war with Iraq.

How many Tomahawk missles, Laser GBU82 will wonder off target and kill innocent people and then breed more frustrated people, who in turn Bush then will call terrorrists?

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edc that was uncalled for 'cause Chill has a legitamate point there and I can see how his opinion works.

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I am giving you a 24 hour post restriction to consider using rational discussion instead of an uncalled for flame to get across your point of view.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Chill @ Sep. 06 2002,01:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">How many Tomahawk missles, Laser GBU82 will wonder off target and kill innocent people and then breed more frustrated people, who in turn Bush then will call terrorrists?<span id='postcolor'>

Five... no, wait, six. Seven if its really foggy. confused.gif

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Well, its either that or we just continue to let them kill innocent people on their own. What can I say? I cant justify killing innocents, but that's just how it is. In war, as in all human endeavors, mistakes are made, except that in the military, when mistakes are made, someone dies. Now, I guess what I have to ask you is, would you rather we allow people whose stated goal is the destruction of the West in general and America in particular, to continue killing innocent people on purpose?

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Now, to the topic at hand:

I think that responsibility is an area the US seems to fall down in a lot. Rather than accepting the responsibility for their neo-imperialistic stompings around the globe, they seem content to do what they will and ignore the consequences. The problem with that is that it makes for a lot of anger and hatred towards the US. And then Americans wonder why bad things happen.

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War is Hell. To the inoocent, and the soldiers. It is very sad that these things happen, but you have to do what you have to do to save more lives than you end.

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Warin, if America was neo-imperialistic, you would have your very own representatives in Congress right now smile.gif

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Ok, lets limit this to one US/Iraq/Rest of the world thread.

this one

Closing smile.gif

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