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Helicopter patrols...

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Is there an easy way to design realistic Helicopter patrols?

Like they start landed at an helipad, take off, fly the waypoints, come back to land on the helipad, refuel & rearm, take off again and fly the waypoints again and so on for eternity?

Would look like a "cycle" waypoint but landed, with a refuel & rearm in the process.

Refuel & rearm is obviously secondary, but I imagine that if you only keep the helicopter cycling its waypoints without it, it will end up without fuel and crashing down...

And the time it is grounded is also a nice timing to shoot it with a LAW!!!


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Yep, it's possible.

-Place the chopper on the heliport of choice and make it start on the ground instead of "flying".

-Just give that chopper a "Get out" waypoint close enough to the heliport (use an invisible H if you want it landing on the field).

-Give a countdown time to simulate refueling and rearming. On the "On activation" field type this: nameofthechopper setfuel 1.

Rearming is more complicated since you don't know what kind and how much ammo it will use when patroling. You can try adding magazines, eg: uh60 addmagazine "browning". I've never tryed that, so I could be wrong.

-Next waypoint is to be "Get in". The pilot will board and take off.

-Then set the patrol routine you want him to perform and as the last waypoint set a "cycle" one, close enough to the "get out" (the first waypoint you previosly set).

Hope that helps smile.gif


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