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cezary gaska

Convert wrp not working....

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Hello Everyone.

I was using convertwrp in the past and twas working ok.

Now i downloaded latest version of it 174.08 and depbo.dll - 4.23 and i got a problem.

I'm using Win 7, Win xp and Win Vista home premium all OS's are 64 bit's

When i run convertwrp its running ok.

But when i make shortcut for converwrp and then in properties i past ------convertwrp takistan.wrp 60 pew.cfg----- to convert map from wrp tp pew nothing hapening, Nothing!...

I mean convert wrp start but its not converting anything.

I have pew.cfg ---from here: http://tactical.nekromantix.com/wiki/doku.php?id=arma2:tools:convertwrp and some time ago i was using it and it was ok.

I have P:drive all pbos unpacked with arma 2p and bi tools 2.5.1.

Also i have mfc110.dll, msvcp110.dll, msvcr110.dll in all Windows beacouse convertwrp is not working without it.

I dont know why the hell that convertwrp is not working...

I need to convert chernarus, takistan, and some other maps to be able to finish mine.

Help pls.....

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Can someone pls send me chernarus pew, takistan pew and uta pew?..

I need it to finish my map...

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I don't want to accuse you of anything so I'll assume you want to take a look at how chernarus was built out of curiosity to further your own knowledge.

Converting WRP's back to PEW's is something that is a bit of a sensitive subject. I think pretty much the way it works is that if you can't figure out how to use the software, then you really shouldn't be using it.

If you are opening it up to educate yourself, then just ask what you want to know and we can all try and answer your questions... back when I first started out I was trying to do the same as you and also failed, I just wanted to be able to see how they had placed ponds and how other thigs like pylons and power lines were set up... stuff that I couldn't forget if I wanted to now.

Your best bet is to just ask what you need to know, I hope that helps, though I am sure you will be disappointed I didn't exactly answer your question... though I must admit, your disappointment will be like training for the amount of disappointment you will experience trying to create terrains!


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Thx for replay..

I need to take a lookon chernaus and takistan trees , towns, roads etc..

Thats why i need chernarus and takistan maps..

I was using convert wrp long time ago and it was working fine. now its just not working somehow..

I have ca folder fill up with all files true the arma2p all software from bi tools 2.5.1

conwertwrp is opening but when i make shortcut of it and put in properties convertwrp takistan.wrp 60 pew.cfg after conwrp.exe then run it and nothing happening... conwertwrp open and its not doing anything..

its should convert wrp to pew but its not doing it..

Like i said i was doing that a year ago with oldest version.. the latest version is not working..

I have all depbo.dll in windows\system32 and wrp folder.

Its not working..

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