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Bug that is slowly breaking Arma 3 for me :(

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I have been plagued with this bug in arma were I cannot join any King of the hill servers. It would say hacking script not found, I would click ok then it would put me at the mission end screen. When I click ok nothing happens and when I click disconnect I get a blank blue screen not clickable, would not respond have to close arma by tabbing out. Figured ok I just won't play King of the Hill. Was fine for a few months but nope ofc something else had to happen. Now I cannot join any waste land servers. Same issue but with a white screen. Today when i tried to join a few wasteland servers I get "Banned" for the most of the popular ones? The faq? I figured it most have glitched because I tried joining while I deleted the battle eye files. Didn't realize it would not auto install it like arma2. So I find a wasteland server that I am not banned on and then I am back to my old issue with the white screen. I am using a fresh Arma install for this today (deleted and reinstalled everything, I have never hacked, not banned on battle eye, no mods and have a clear Arma catch. This is breaking the game for me and I have no idea what to do. I would love any help and I am willing to try and provide just about anything.

Sorry about the clutter of text.

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Completely uninstall anti-virus software for a test.

---------- Post added at 07:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 PM ----------

Also, can go find the a3 temp folder, "mpmissioncache" --find the mission and delete. That will force a new d/l of the mission.

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