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WorldToScreen RscTitle Trouble

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My problem is that I am using the worldToScreen peice of code to work out the X and Y positions for a RscTitle dialog

However when I run the code the position is returned but the dialog/RscTitle does not move and will disappear a bit later

Here is my code (litterally cannot think of why this does not work)

// 3d Render test

// Creates the RscTitle

titleRsc ["BUL_test", "PLAIN"];
_control = ((findDisplay 1) displayCtrl 1000);
_rscPosition = ctrlPosition _control;

while {true} do
// Returns mans1 pos to screen pos
_screenPos = worldToScreen getpos man1;
// Debug
hint format ["%1 \n %2", _rscPosition, _screenPos];
// ** end of debug
if (count _screenPos > 0) then {
	_control ctrlSetPosition [(_screenPos select 0 * (safezoneW + safezoneX)), (_screenPos select 1 * (safezoneH + safezoneY)), (_rscPosition select 2), (_rscPosition select 3)];
	_control ctrlCommit 0;
sleep 0.5;

Problem solve...

Display is defined by setting a uiNamespace variable :)



Edited by Bull_A

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