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Military Symbols Locality

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I'm working on a multiplayer mission where I would like all units of only the side the player is on to show up on the hud. I used the military units moduled and tried the following:

setGroupIconsVisible [true,true];
if (side player==west) then {
BIS_marta_mainscope setvariable ["rules",[
["o_",		[0,.5,1,0]   ],
["b_",		[0,.5,1,1]    ],
["n_",		[0,.5,1,0]    ],
["n_",		[0,.5,1,0]    ]
if (side player==east) then {
BIS_marta_mainscope setvariable ["rules",[
["o_",		[0,.5,1,1]   ],
["b_",		[0,.5,1,0]    ],
["n_",		[0,.5,1,0]    ],
["n_",		[0,.5,1,0]    ]
if (side player==resistance) then {
BIS_marta_mainscope setvariable ["rules",[
["o_",		[0,.5,1,0]   ],
["b_",		[0,.5,1,0]    ],
["n_",		[0,.5,1,1]   ],
["n_",		[0,.5,1,0]    ]

However it doesn't seem to be working at all. Sometimes nothing shows up and other times enemy units or vehicles show up. Anyone know if it's possible to set this up for each side to only see their teamates?

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