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Issues with getting a JIP script to run

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Hey guys. I've been playing around with a mission for my clan to play but I'm having some issues with getting one of our JIP scripts to run

Basically, there will be a number of random start points where the mission can begin. I've got that part working fine, and it also transports the JIP flag along with the players.

The mission is far from finished. I know how I am going to handle everything else in the mission, it's just the problem with the JIP script holding me up. Basically all the script does is to allow you to choose a player to JIP onto, as well as giving you options to leave group, and join a different group. This gives us options on the fly to reorganise groups when starting a mission without having to restart. a series of addActions are added to a flag pole named BTC_base_flag_west ( we are using BTC Revive Script )

My issue is that when execVM "Required_Scripts\val_jip.sqf"; is called, it doesn't add any actions to the flag pole.

This script needs to be run for all players, including JIP players

I've tried everything from using

call compile preProcessFile "Required_Scripts\val_jip.sqf";

and then using Bis_fnc_MP to call the function remotely for every client, to execVM'ing it at the top of init.sqf

At the moment as a workaround, i have made JIP place the player at the random spawn location that was chosen at the start of the mission.

Is it possible that it's not working as I'm the only player on the server?

I'm testing it on my PC using the dedicated server so all the isServer stuff works.

I've uploaded the mission HERE

Edited by thestuntman

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