Scorpio 0 Posted August 27, 2002 This tutorial will give you a basic understanding on what the O2 basic features and buttons have to offer. This is already in my O2 Interface tutorial, but this one is updated and is structered to make it more user friendly. First of all we will start off with the very basic of the buttons But I’m sure you will already know what these are : Right to Left: New Drawing – Open Drawing – Save Drawing – Cut – Copy – Paste – Undo – Redo These can also be accessed from the File and Edit menus. Moving on now, we see some model editing tools: Select Object – this is the default button in O2, and is used for selecting an attached group of objects, or a certain part of a model that contains certain vertices. Select Vertices – this tool is very essential in vertex editing. It selects vertices (those small red dots) and you can move the vertices around, delete them, ect. Select Tool – This is similar to Select Object, but its more simpler because you can click on a part of a face of a model and it selects it, without having to select from dragging around the part when other parts are in the way. Move pin – With this tool, you can move the pin (the black cross in the middle of windows) by clicking it. The pin can assign the center of you drawing. Zoom on – With this you can zoom on a particular spot by selecting a spot with the mouse. Rotate Object – You can rotate an object manually and precisely here, by selecting an object, and typing in integers such as “6†well rotate it one way, and “-6†to rotate the other way. Or by a quicker way, you can press Ctrl+LMB to rotate. Resize Object – With this you can resize an object by typing in whole numbers for bigger sizes, and decimals for smaller sizes. Flip X – this will flip an object from left to right, or from right to left. Flip Y – this will flip an object from up to down, or from down to up. Face Properties – The face properties window can also be accessed by pressing E, it defines features like textures and shadows for faces. Vertex Properties – From here you can access vertex properties and change them. Colorize – With this you can organize your work with different colors without the dull grey model. Load Texture – from here you can load a texture to go with a model, it can also be accessed by pressing A. (for texturing tutorials, see Vixer’s Skinning in O2) Moving on to Camera and view points now: With these buttons you can make a different view point in a selected window. With these buttons you can lock a particular axis in a window. Lock Camera position - This button enables you to lock a camera position and then disables rotation and movement of the camera. Look at Pin – this center zooms at the pin in a selected window. This button is very useful for seeing what the model would look like, clicking it makes the model into Shaded Grey, and clicking it again turns it back to a wireframe. Again, its just like the above, but shows and hides the grid. Lock Uniform Scale – this locks the uniform scale and disables any size adjustments. This bar tells you exactly where you are pointing either in the X, Y , or Z axis. Here are some quick ways for editing in O2: To Rotate an Object - You can rotate by selecting the object and holding CTRL, and then holding the RMB, and turning… To Move an object – select it and move it by holding the RMB. To Zoom – press the – and + keys on your keypad. If you want to zoom on a particular object, press the * (star) key on your keypad. To Move/Delete a vertex – Click the select Vertices button and select the vertex, then you can do whatever you want to it. You can also select multiple vertices. To Rescale: Ctrl+shift + right mouse button + move mouse ctrl + shift + dragging a selection box = deselects anything that is selected and within the box you just dragged. Shift + RMB is copy selection. Ctrl+LMB drag is select everything inside area. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites