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Communication Menu

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It's a two piece solution. First you need to declare your "support" in description.ext:

class CfgCommunicationMenu
class Attack;
class Bravo: Attack
	text = "Send in Bravo Team";
	expression = "BIS_bravoGo = TRUE;";
	icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\b_inf.paa";
	removeAfterExpressionCall = 1;

Then use the BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem function to add the support to the player:

[player, "Bravo"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem;

Then just have a trigger checking for BIS_bravoGo to be true.

Kylania posted this a while ago, but I'm bad@editor and can't figure out how to check for BIS_bravoGo to be true. Could anyone help me out here?

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As I know, just put


in a condition field of a trigger.

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