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Survive campaign constant crashing

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I didn't find any topics related, so here my problem is:

Getting crashes every time my progress in first mission of "survive" campaign reaches a certain event. First it was crashing before entering the forest. After few rebooting I decide to start it over - it's start crashing before AAF checkpoint. I thought, may be I have to wait 'till my system get cool a little bit. Nope - now it crashing when I am entering vehicle.

Interesting thing is that when I tried to enter forest not right behind Adams, thinking it's some kind of area bug, game lasted ~ 10 seconds longer.

At first crashes I hade graphics artefacts, white and purple, generaly. Now they are gone.

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Ive noticed that every time it starts to rain my game freezes (in the campaign). I have to turn off the machine, as i cannot get back to desktop.

Running windows 8 with a quad core Asus board and an Nvidia GTx560

Note: the rain crash does not happen using the editor. I can dance about in the rain no problem on the editor. However I cannot proceed any further in the campaign due to this bug.

I would have posted this in a new thread but I can't post new threads apparently.

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I have 2 gainward phantom 770 cards. Disabling SLI - campaing does not crush. In any other case i would've thought there is a problem in second card \ sli bridge, but this is bohemia, so who could know...

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