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Rescue sergei

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I am going through the Red Hammer Campaign, and I am now at the point where you must rescue Sergei within 15 minutes. I have tried different routes, but always seem to run up against a force of enemy vehicles or enemy AT soldiers that fire with great accuracy at incredible distances.

Has anyone got a strategy to finish this mission?


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I'm stuck there myself, and am taking a break from it.

I tried going the long way around, but I think the best is to just slowly go through on the roads.

Oh, and be the gunner to knock out that damned helo.

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Armored vehicles are death traps, especially BMPs. Do it on foot.

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I've written an faq for Red Hammer available at Gamefaqs:


It's in the wrong place, despite me asking them to shift it.

Anyway, from it:

Race Against Time


The rule of this mission is to keep moving.

Make yourself commander of the T80 and tell your other guys to get in. Use tactical view to drive (delete key on keypad). Switch to HEAT rounds. Start to move down the road and take out the BMP and the infantry squad. Continue moving

down this road toward the base on the map, but aim to go around the east side of the base (between the sea and the base). There is a Shilka and a RPG soldier to watch out for and a BMP behind the base. Fire at them to take them out, but keep moving down the road.

If a Hind appears, target it with your machine gun and you can shoot it down (eventually).

When you get to about Ge47, take a shortcut up the hill through Gd46 (the gap in the forest). This way you save time and miss the jeep roadblock. Take out the two BMPs as you move towards the waypoint. Once you get to the base, you

will hit a retry point. Drive slowly through the base, taking out the two Spetznatz in front of the captive's tent and watch out for the RPG soldier behind them. You may be getting attacked by a Hind during all of this, so you

want to send your driver to become a gunner for the Shilka.

When you get close enough, you will hear "Four, follow One!". When this happens and he pops up on your squad bar, action him to get a weapon. Turn around and watch the entrance to the base - there may still be soldiers lurking. Depending

on how badly you are damaged, it is up to you to choose your escape vehicles. I favour sending squad members two and three to the Shilka and telling Four to be your gunner, then switching to driver. Get everyone back into formation, then drive up through Gb40 to the top road and down to about Ef58 before heading to extraction. I found a BMP or two in front of the base shown on the map and a Hind attacked as well. I kept the T80 moving, the Shilka took out the Hind and the trip back wasn't too hard.

An alternate method is to get into the jeep, drive along the top road and then ditch into the forest when the Hind starts attacking. You can use the forest for cover and the Hind appears to only fire on vehicles. It just takes longer to run back.

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