DavidCastle 1 Posted October 10, 2013 So after the last patch, I noticed my add waypoints scripts have not been working. This has led to our group running across spawned units sitting dumbly in formation non responsive without them receiving visual or audible contact. This is the script I have used and has always worked since Arma 2 and for every patch in Arma 3 until the last. if(not isServer) exitWith{}; _grp = creategroup East; _grp = [getMarkerPos "ambush1", EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; {_x setVehicleInit "nul=[this,'Atlis','MOVE','delete:',300] execVM 'scripts\upsmon.sqf'" } foreach units _grp; processInitCommands; _wp = _grp addwaypoint [getMarkerPos "ambushkill1",0]; _wp setwayPointType "Move"; _grp setskill 0.5; //_grp setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.85]; //_grp setskill ["spotDistance",1]; //_grp setskill ["spotTime",1]; _grp setskill ["courage",1]; _grp setskill ["commanding",1]; //_grp setskill ["aimingShake",0.75]; //_grp setskill ["aimingSpeed",0.75]; // {_x setVehicleInit "guard = [this] execVM 'HousePatrol.sqf'; nul=[this,'area1','COMBAT','delete:',300] execVM 'scripts\upsmon.sqf'" } foreach units _grp; // processInitCommands; //_grp = creategroup EAST; //_grp = [getMarkerPos "responsespawn1", EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "BIS_TK_INS" >> "Infantry" >> "TK_INS_Group")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; Any Ideas on what might be the problems? The basic Idea is I want to spawn a group of enemies in, initialize them with UPSMON, then have them move to a location. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kylania 568 Posted October 10, 2013 setVehicleInit doesn't work anymore, and you didn't need to use it here. You're already in a script, so just script it: {nul=[_x,"Atlis","MOVE","delete:",300] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf" } foreach units _grp; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites