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[MP/RC] - The Great Altis Highway Race - Molos to Kavala

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The Great Altis Highway Race - Molos to Kavala v1.1

Molos to Kavala - By Angel

This is the reversed version of the original race mission. Version 1.1 is the most recent.

Your mission is simple, you must race from one end of Altis to the other. Starting at Molos, you will race along the entire length of the map utilising the main highway road all the way to the finish line just south of Kavala. This is a multiplayer mission only, there are no AI to race against. So the more people you have the better up to a maximum of 10 players (+4 for race spectating). Flags along the route mark hazardous corners or checkpoints where you can pick up a fresh, undamaged car should you wreck the one you were driving. All players can repair their cars to a certain point, but your maximum speed will be severely reduced.

You have no weapons, but you are free to do whatever you can to win or to implement your own rules for the race.

Comments, suggestions or bug reports welcome.

Download Links

Steam Workshop

Armaholic Mirror


Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Edited by ange1u5

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Mission updated to v1.1, change notes below:

[NEW]: Added two startup parameters when you first host the mission (Select Parameter at the top right in lobby):

Set Weather (random weather script by Meatball): Select from clear, overcast, rain, fog or random - Default setting is Random!

Set Time: Set what time of the day you wish to race in - Default setting 10am.

[REMOVED]: Changing to night time via the laptop at the start of the race. Redundant with the new startup parameter.

[FIXED]: Respawn system finally working again as intended. You will once again respawn at the appropriate checkpoint as each player passes it.

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