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Aerobatic/Air Combat Group (name TBD) (Think Thunderbirds or Blue Angels in Arma)

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(Sorry in advance if this is the wrong section, if it is let me know and I will gladly move it ASAP)

This is something I have been wanting to do for some time and wanted to test the waters to see if it would be worth pursuing. Arma has a decent flight model comparatively and the sandbox design would make it easy to do something like this.

Basically it would be for any kind of aircraft, fixed wing or rotary. We could do combat flights or aerobatic/maneuver type things like you might see a group like the above mentioned squadrons doing.

For example, IRL A-10 pilots are trained to take 30 seconds after a run to be in position to start another. This way, with a flight of four aircraft fire can be laid down on a position every 10 seconds indefinitely as long as there is ammo in the planes, which in the case of the Hog even a few passes is enough to wipe out large numbers of hostiles, to the point they either fall back or surrender. However most servers in Arma limit planes so you can never see this kind of aerial cooperation outside specialized missions.

At the same time we could do more challenging things as well such as tight formation flying (literally flying wingtip to wingtip), low altitude maneuvering, different ceremonial formations like Missing Man or flyovers (or flypasts if you're in the UK), things you might expect to see in aerial displays.

We could do training type events as well if we were ever large enough to teach pilots things like formation flying, air-to-air kills, and attack runs.

This would likely start in Arma 2 and could migrate to Arma 3 once there is more variety in aircraft, mods could be heavily utilized because there are a lot of really good aircraft mods out there. (F-15, F-18, F-16, CH-53, P-51, MiG 15, just to name a few)

If there is enough interest we could try to get things rolling, I think it would be good to get a group of Arma pilots together to just screw around and test our skills, it seems like too many groups put emphasis on ground units and see air power as a support rather than an actual major component of the game.

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