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Config for static object

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Hey there everyone,

I'm currently trying to get into scripting. Since I have some programming knowledge scripting isn't the hard part: the configs are.

Currently I'm trying to make a script where you have to drink once in a while in order to survive. The script is decent, so the next

step was to import a bottle in order to drink.

I've got the following:

- a .p3d file of a bottle

- a .paa of the texture

- a Config.cpp (that probably isn't working)

My Config.cpp:

class CfgVehicles {	
class Static;
class bottle : Static {
	scope = public;
	model = "\drink_dest\drink_bottle.p3d";
	displayName = "4SFG_Bottle";
	faction = "Empty";
	vehicleClass = "Small_items";

When packing the files with BinPBO I get no errors, but I can't seem to find the bottle in the editor.

All help is appreciated.

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If that is your whole config it looks like you need a CfgPatches class, and change scope = public; to scope = 2;

class CfgPatches
class lemondragon_static
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {};

class CfgVehicles {	
class Static;
class bottle : Static {
	scope = 2;
	model = "\drink_dest\drink_bottle.p3d";
	displayName = "4SFG_Bottle";
	faction = "Empty";
	vehicleClass = "Small_items";

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Thanks a lot! I can place the bottle in the editor now, but I can't see them in game.

I got the following errors:

- no entry config.bin/cfgfactionclasses.empty

I removed faction = "Empty"; to fix this problem

- cannot load texture core\textures\texture01.paa

I have no idea how to fix this problem. the texture is in the same folder as the config and .p3d file

while packing the PBO.

Edited by lemondragon

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I guess you need to edit the texture path in your model from core\textures\texture01.paa to something like drink_dest\texture01.paa.

You should also follow the Texture Naming Rules and re-save your texture as texture01_co.paa

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The model still isn't visible in game, and the game still gives the same error as before (cannot load texture core\textures\texture01.paa).

I changed the name of the texture, just like you said, to texture01_co.paa.

But the path of the texture was already set to my desktop folder, where it is located in. But still no visible bottle.

Edit: to clarify, the path in Oxygen 2 to my textures is as following: C:\users\%username%\desktop\drink_dest\texture01_co.paa

%username% = my name.

Edited by lemondragon
see post.

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