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Weird Multiplayer Lag

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I have

Asus M5A87 mobo

8 gb (2 x G.Skill Intl F3-12000CL9-4GBXL)

AMD FX-6100 6 core 3.30 ghz

Gigabyte GTX 660 Ti

Coolermaster 550 psu

Corsair GT 120 GB SSD

and I was wondering what settings I can use optimally and I was wondering why I get low multiplayer fps and experience freezes every 5-10 seconds for about a second. I've tried using low to high settings and the fps on the server are always about 19-24 (I also experience sharp FPS drops every 5-10 seconds). I don't understand why this is happening or what I can do to stop it but I have a fairly decent rig and I dont think I should be getting freezes every 10 seconds on low (I also have a 84 ping).

Thanks a tonne for your help!

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p.s. none the less, until that particular problem is solved, you have to find yourself proper servers (rare), depending on what gamemode you prefer its more or less hard to find a decent server though it is possible to have multiplayer games games with decent (for arma standards) frame rates. I suggest to avoid 50+ player servers atm, and if nothing goes stick to small/medium playercount infantry pvp or coop servers with no or no huge amounts of AI. Also freshly restarted servers tend to be faster.

Edited by Fabio_Chavez

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