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a kind script request - patrolling uav

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Hello everyone !

I am an absolute beginner in scripting and I have a kind request for something absolutely out of my capability:

I have a group of blue soldiers and I want an unarmed (or armed) ugv to go ahead a given amount of meters, in the direction of travel of the player (and/or group leader and/or other member of the group) to patrol the area in front of the group, adjusting continuously its route accordingly to the group chosen route (not pre-planned via waypoints but chosen in real-time).

Thank you so much to everyone who will help me.

Edited by cr4wl3r0
typing mistake

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Group Leader's init field:

ugv attachTo[this, [0,20,2]];


Or perhaps look into SHK_Intercept and use that to set a waypoint for the UGV?

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To do it "properly" is a lot more involved and not really something I felt like trying to figure out, maybe someone else will feel inspired. Maybe make the UGV the group leader? What you want is not easy at all though. Or use the SHK_Intercept thing I asked and constantly change the waypoints.

Just give one of your players a UAV Terminal and have them do the patrolling. :)

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