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[MP][TDM] Altis Air Combat v1.07

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Altis Air Combat v1.07

By Silens


AA jets only team deathmatch over Altis, there is nothing else in this mission. Join in, use the officer at spawn to grab an aircraft, shoot down enemy players.


- Aircraft are spawned flying over base so be ready. (Prevents runway mess which happened first time I hosted the mission with 40 players)

- Airfields have repair and rearm areas.

- Bases defended by AA

- Map is divided into two sides and several sectors which change colors and display hint message if enemy aircraft are present. (Helps in finding the action)


First mission I did on A3 release. It has been on server for a few weeks and seems to have people on and off all the time figure I share it for anyone else interested in having it.


Some guy on Reddit for the idea of a jet only TDM mission. :)


DropBox v1.07

Armaholic mirror:

Altis Air Combat TDM-50 v1.07

Edited by silens
Forgot link to mission! :)

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