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Arma 3 Default Key Binds File Available

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I have available in either pdf or Excel formats, the default key bindings for Arma3. I find it necessary to do this compilation in order to efficiently program my controllers. It would have been nice if they provided this in the manual or as an included file but I couldn't find them anywhere except in game.

I cannot post this as as attachment presumably since this is my first post. It is about 4 printed pages of three columns: KEYSTROKE(s), COMMANDS, COMMAND GROUP. The pdf file is about 55 Kb and the Excel 2010 worksheet is about 17 Kb. If interested in a copy, PM me until I am able to post an attachment here.



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It is good to know that currently Arma 3's built in key binding editor is missing at least one binding which is for "pause" key. It is assigned by default at least for some gamepads and such, so if you want/need to edit it, go directly to My Documents\Arma 3\USERNAME.Arma3Profile and find row with "keyIngamePause[]={KEYCODES};".

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I have available in either pdf or Excel formats, the default key bindings for Arma3. I find it necessary to do this compilation in order to efficiently program my controllers. It would have been nice if they provided this in the manual or as an included file but I couldn't find them anywhere except in game.

Just wanted to take the time to say THANK YOU for sharing this with all of us. You make the community better!

-Bobby Rock


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