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Multiplayer: Trigger Group MissionEnd

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I want a MP mission to end when all player of the group (here group1) are inside the END trigger and E1 and E2 are true.

There are like 100 post of this kind but not one of them fixed the problem.

1. I linked the group to the trigger and set it on whole group (but it does not work)

2. I had a trigger with this code for it:

({_x in thislist} count units Group1 == count units Group1) AND E1 OR E2

but it ends the mission so soon E1 or E2 is true not matter if the group was in the trigger or not

I know its a stupid question but like I sad I could not solved it... thank you in advance

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({_x in thislist && alive _x} count units Group1 == {alive _x} count units Group1) AND (E1 OR E2)

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