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Spawning objects via scripts

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What is the best way to spawn objects via scripting. I tried to use the createUnit command, but I kept getting "missing );

What I want to do, is spawn some objects once a trigger is activated. I tried to look through the scripting command list to see if there was an createObject command but there wasnt,

Basic what i am looking at, is once a squad completes a task, and move onto the next task, a base is created, similar to what happens in real life, once an area has been cleared they make it into a base. This is what I want to do.

So is the createUnit, the right command to use to do this, or is there a BIS_fnc that will do this, as I cannot find a list of all BIS_fnc.

thanks in advance for any assistance given.

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objects are usually spawned via createVehicle command. createUnit is for AI units only.

For making a base on the fly, check out the demo mission in this post. It shows how to place a base how you want it in the editor, then "copy" it to a script so that you can spawn it again via a trigger later on during a mission

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