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Little problems with flare script

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I'm trying to make flare drop every ~150 sec from sky after enemy detects me as long as there are any of 7 enemies with GL weapons alive.

I've named them f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6 and f7.

I have trigger that exec flare.sqf

I've tried everything i have found with searching but so far i get every time error.

This is as it currently is:

if ((!alive f1) and (!alive f2) and (!alive f3) and (!alive f4) and (!alive f5) and (!alive f6) and (!alive f7)) then

{exitWith {} } else {flrObj = "F_20mm_Yellow" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [0,100,200]); flrObj setVelocity [0,0,-10]};

sleep 150;

if ((!alive f1) and (!alive f2) and (!alive f3) and (!alive f4) and (!alive f5) and (!alive f6) and (!alive f7)) then

{exitWith {} } else {flrObj = "F_20mm_Yellow" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [100,0,200]); flrObj setVelocity [0,0,-10]};

sleep 150;

if ((!alive f1) and (!alive f2) and (!alive f3) and (!alive f4) and (!alive f5) and (!alive f6) and (!alive f7)) then

{exitWith {} } else {flrObj = "F_20mm_Yellow" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [0,100,200]); flrObj setVelocity [0,0,-10]};

sleep 150;

if ((!alive f1) and (!alive f2) and (!alive f3) and (!alive f4) and (!alive f5) and (!alive f6) and (!alive f7)) then

{exitWith {} } else {flrObj = "F_20mm_Yellow" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [100,0,200]); flrObj setVelocity [0,0,-10]};

and so on...

Can anyone tell what's wrong?Am i using wrong brackets?

Also is it possible to loop 2 flares (they drop from different spot) ?

Edited by K120

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Firstly, what error do you get? Please provide the exact description and line number. Anyway, I would rewrite that script like this:

private ["_i", "_flare"];
for "_i" from 1 to 10 do {
   if (({alive _x} count [f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7]) == 0) exitWith {};
   sleep 150;
   if ((_i % 2) == 0) then {
       _flare = createVehicle ["F_20mm_Yellow", (player ModelToWorld [100,0,0]), [], 0, "NONE"]
   } else {
       _flare = createVehicle ["F_20mm_Yellow", (player ModelToWorld [0,100,0]), [], 0, "NONE"];
   _flare setPosATL [((getPosATL _flare) select 0), ((getPosATL _flare) select 1), 200];
   _flare setVelocity [0,0,-10];

As _i switches from even to odd, the 'modelToWorld' argument will change. I have tested that without the exitWith statement and with a car; it seems to work.

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That seemed to work though i moved sleep to bottom so flares drop instantly when detected. This was the finishing touch for my mission,thanks!

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