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Mission task not showing when testing the mission

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Hi guys,

I saw the Jester's tutorials, and I tried to make a simple mission.

But when I try to make a task it doesn't work.

Here is what I do :

1) Create a Bulfor Group (I removed all teammates, except 2 of them : the squad leader and a rifleman).

2) I make the squad leader as the player.

3) Thanks to the module I create a task and filling the entry (task ID , title, description and set owner to Groups of synchronized objects)

4) I linked the task module to my player

5) I tested the mission, opened the map and there ... there is no task showing up :(

Do am I something wrong ? (I guess I am, but what I have to do to fix this ? :p )

Thanks for your help.

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Try this:

Create task.

Create task state module "Assigned".

Create task state "Succeeded".

Ungroup them all.

Synchronize both task states to task.

Synchronize player to task.

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Try this:

Create task.

Create task state module "Assigned".

Create task state "Succeeded".

Ungroup them all.

Synchronize both task states to task.

Synchronize player to task.

Thanks for your answer but it's not working. I succeed to synchronize both task state to the task but when I synchro player to task all task state are resynchronizeed to the player and not to the task. Any idea ?

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The easiest way to make task is to script them yourself.


Author: Karel Moricky

Set a task parameters.
Create the task when it doesn't exist.

	0: STRING or ARRAY - Task ID or array in the format [task ID, parent task ID]
	1: Task owner(s)
		BOOL - true to set task of all playable units
		OBJECT - set task of a specific object
		GROUP - set tasks of all objects in the group
		SIDE - set tasks of all objects of the given side
		ARRAY - collection of above types
	2: ARRAY - Task description in the format ["description", "title", "marker"]
	3: Task destination
		ARRAY - either position in format [x,y,z], or [object,precision] as used by setSimpleTaskTarget command
	4: Task state
		BOOL - true to set the task as current
	5: NUMBER - priority. When a current task is completed, system select a next one with the larges priority >= 0
	6: BOOL - true to show notification (default), false to disable it
	7: BOOL - true to set task globally (default), false to set it only locally


Here is an example

["taskTwo",west,["Destroy the Mortar position located at LZ Baldy.","Destroy Mortars","Destroy Mortars"],[staticMortar01,true],"ASSIGNED",1,true,false] call BIS_fnc_setTask;

If you need to set the task to pass or failed use this code

Author: Thomas Ryan & Karel Moricky

Set a task's state.

	0: STRING - Task name
	1: STRING - Task state
	2: BOOL - Show hint (default: true)


Here is the example

["taskTwo","SUCCEEDED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

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The easiest way to make task is to script them yourself.

Understood, I have only one question : Where do I put the script code ?

Thanks a lot.

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Understood, I have only one question : Where do I put the script code ?

In a briefing.sqf file or a trigger or something.

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In a briefing.sqf file or a trigger or something.

It's working, I put it in a gamelogic object . I don't know if it's the right way to do this but it's working.

Thanks ;)

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