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Horizontally rotation

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I want to create a short UAV testing mission. Instead of directly giving the UAV controller to the player, I wanted to put it down on a table and let the player pick it up.

To achieve that, I created a Game Logic object and gave it the following initialization-code:

weaponUAV1 = createVehicle ["groundWeaponHolder", getPos this, [], 0, "can_collide"]; 
weaponUAV1 addItemCargo ["B_UAVTERMINAL", 1];

However now it looks like this:


Am I somehow able, to horizontally rotate the object by 90 degrees, so that the terminal actually lies on the table?

Thanks in advance


Edited by Padarom

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Thank you once again :)

Now that it's rotated, it either floats in the air above the table, or below (1m or 2m elevation). However I found myself not possible to use decimals in the elevation-box of the object.

Is there also a way to change the elevation of objects just ~0.3m, or even let it be falling on the table by the physics when placing it above?

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Yeah, that's what I noticed in testing. It's either right under the table or stupidly higher. You might try spawning both the weaponHolder and the table and make them both "CAN_COLLIDE" perhaps?

Or BIS can add in PhysX for little things so we could just drop crap on tables and avoid all of this. :)

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I tried using "this enableCollisionWith weaponUAV1;" for the table. It unfortunately didn't work.

Maybe I'll find an object to use as a table instead, which is a bit smaller than 1m. Thank you for your help.

edit Now I see what you meant. Is there a list of all object class names, like the table?

Edited by Padarom

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Click the Gear icon up to of the editor to get to the Config Viewer then double click cfgVehicles down at the bottom left.

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Okay, I found it. It's "Land_CampingTable_F".

However it doesn't seem to work, even with CAN_COLLIDE set. I might really need to search for a 1m high object.


I tried another approach:

weaponUAV1 = createVehicle ["groundWeaponHolder", getPos this, [], 0, "can_collide"];
weaponUAV1 addItemCargo ["B_UAVTERMINAL", 1];
weaponUAV1 setpos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 0.16]; 
[weaponUAV1, 90, 0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;

This works quite well, as seen in this picture:


However I've not yet been able to rotate it around it's Z-axis with this approach yet.

Edited by Padarom

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