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frame of reference or create vehicle with identical user input

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I'm about to build an addon to enhance the behaviour of helicopters since BIS will need some more time to include all the nice TOH-features.

For now I would like to include following features:

  • Wind does effect helicopters
  • ground effects
  • vortex wind state
  • retreating blade stall

Concerning the first two points I have no proper idea how to realize this with the given ARMA scritping commands. I have knowledge of physical simulations, so I can tell you it isn't done by resetting the velocity vector of the helicopter for each timestep.

Best thing would be if there would exist some kind of reference frame in arma. Say if I "attach" the helicopter to a moving "object" (the wind frame) and the helicopter flying engine does calculate all movements with respect to the moving object.

Another way is if one could create a duplicate of the helicopter which receives the same user input as the first one but isn't effected by the wind. In this case I would use the second helicopter as reference.

edit: (I had a third option in mind but this one won't work at all)

Any ideas on how to realize the first two possibilities? Any help is much appreciated.

Edited by brainslush
see above

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