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Dear Dev's would it be possible to add a new script command which turns off the video sound for the call BIS_fnc_playVideo function ?

At the moment and for as long as I've known of this function you can only turn off the video image before a video finishes, the sound keeps playing to the end of the video no matter what, and it seems really stupid that you can turn of the video image but not the sound, this also really ruins a really nice feature.

Please add a new script command for this function to stop the sound as well as the image. The example script you give I've displayed below and only stops the video not the sound.

scriptName "fn_playVideo.sqf";
Author: Karel Moricky

Plays in-game video.

_this select 0: STRING - Video path
_this select 1 (Optional): ARRAY - Size
_this select 2 (Optional): ARRAY - Color
_this select 3 (Optional): STRING - Variable to skip the video


#define VIDEO_DISPLAY	(uinamespace getvariable "BIS_RscMissionScreen_video")
#define VIDEO_CONTENT	(VIDEO_DISPLAY displayctrl 1100)

_content = _this select 0;
_size = [_this, 1, [], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_color = [_this, 2, [1,1,1,1], [[]], 4] call BIS_fnc_param;
_skipVariable = [_this, 3, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;

//--- Create display
([] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cutrsc ["RscMissionScreen","plain"];
waituntil {!isnull (uinamespace getvariable "BIS_RscMissionScreen")};
uinamespace setvariable ["BIS_RscMissionScreen_video",uinamespace getvariable "BIS_RscMissionScreen"];

//--- Default size (full screen)
if (count _size == 0) then {
_ratio = 16/9;
_x = safezoneX;
_w = safezoneW;
_h = (safezoneW / _ratio) * (4/3);
_y = safezoneY + (safezoneH - _h)/2;
_size = [

//--- Default color
bis_fnc_playvideo_videoStopped = false;

VIDEO_CONTENT ctrlsettextcolor _color;
VIDEO_CONTENT ctrlsetposition _size;
VIDEO_CONTENT ctrlsettext _content;
VIDEO_CONTENT ctrlcommit 0;
VIDEO_CONTENT ctrladdeventhandler ["videoStopped","bis_fnc_playvideo_videoStopped = true; ""Video stopped"" call BIS_fnc_log"];

waituntil {
(missionnamespace getvariable [_skipVariable,false])

bis_fnc_playvideo_videoStopped = nil;
([] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext ["","plain"];

When you use the variable bis_fnc_playvideo_videoStopped = true; like in the example script above, all it does is what the example script says, and that's this,

[] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext ["","plain"];

which only cuts the video image not the video sound which is just stupid and a waste of a good feature.

Others have asked about this in the past and nothing has ever been done about it.

I think it would be a nice feature for Arma 3 and used more if only you could disable the video sound along with the video image.

Its exactly the same for the BIS_fnc_custumGPSVideo function so adding a new command for it would also make sense.


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Make a feedback tracker ticket for it and link it here for people to vote for. The best way for the devs to keep track of things like this is with the feedback tracker. http://feedback.arma3.com

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